Environmental Activities

Daishinku Group Environmental Activities

Environment Philosophy

● Social responsibility
The DAISHINKU Group continues to create new values through activities with consciousness of harmonization with the global environment, and contributes to the development of electronic society and the realization of a sustainable society.
● Compliance to legal and regulatory requirements
The DAISHINKU Group observes laws, regulations and their spirit and engages in corporate activities with consciousness of harmonization with the global environment.



The DAISHINKU Group aims for further corporate growth by challenging the realization of carbon-neutrality with stable supply of products and environmental response as its core management.

“Scope1+2” Carbon Neutrality Challenge in 2030

  1. Take the initiative in energy and resource saving by properly controlling the substances with environmental impact and reducing the use of them.
  2. Continue to provide environmentally friendly products and reduce CO₂ emissions in order to achieve “Scope1+2” carbon-neutrality in 2030.
  3. Effectively utilize resources and prevent environmental pollution through the conservation and effective utilization of water resources, the reduction and proper disposal of waste, including reuse and recycling.
  4. Promote avoidance of the sourcing or use of minerals that could cause serious human rights violations and conflicts in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs), and engage in responsible procurement activities with reference to “Annex II of OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.”
  5. Observe all rules, including laws, regulations and established social norms.
  6. Set environmental targets based on this Environmental Policy and whilst promoting these activities also continuously strive to improve the environmental management system to enhance the environmental performance.
  7. Educate all employees and those who work for our group in our environmental policies and raise their awareness of environmental conservation through the educational and awareness-raising activities.
  8. Ensure information on our environmental conservation activities is available to the public.

Information disclosure based on the TCFD recommendations

The DAISHINKU Group understands the impact of climate change on its business and society and supports the TCFD(*) recommendations. We will work to improve disclosure and management of financial information related to climate change. We will focus on identifying and pursuing new business opportunities, including the establishment of greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and the periodic assessment and proper management of climate change risks.
(*) Abbreviation for “Task Force on Climate‐related Financial Disclosures”

Click here for details

Environmental Report 2013-2014


【Page Title】

  • Contents/ Company Profile/ Message from the President
  • Environmental Management System
  • Environmental Performance
  • Environmental Considerations Relating to Product
  • Environmental Impact
  • Communication

*The content of the environmental report is described in the CSR report from the 2015-2016 version.

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2011-2012_catalog2011-2012 PDF 2009-2010_catalog2009-2010 PDF 2007-2008_catalog2007-2008 PDF 2005-2006_catalog2005-2006 PDF 2003-2004_catalog2003-2004 PDF