

  • Any Frequency between 115 to 137 MHz accurate to 6 decimal places
  • 5-pin SOT23-5 : 2.9 mm x 2.8 mm
  • Excellent total frequency stability as low as ±20 x 10-6
  • Low power consumption of +4.9 mA typical at f = 125 MHz, Vdd = +1.8V


  • Industrial and Medical devices
  • SSD , Routers, Storage servers
  • GPON,EPON, SATA/SAS, Ethernet

Standard Specification

Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition
Output Frequency Range f 115 - 137 MHz  
Supply Voltage Vdd +1.62 +1.8 +1.98 V  
+2.25 +2.5 +2.75
+2.52 +2.8 +3.08
+2.7 +3.0 +3.3
+2.97 +3.3 +3.63
+2.25 - +3.63
Frequency Stability F_stab -20 - +20 ×10-6 Inclusive of Initial tolerance at +25°C, 1st year aging at +25°C, and
variations over operating temperature, rated power supply voltage and
load (15 pF ± 10%).
-25 - +25
-50 - +50
Current Consumption Idd - +6.2 +7.5 mA No load condition, f = 125 MHz, Vdd =+2.8V, +3.0V or +2.25V to +3.36V
- +5.5 +6.4 No load condition, f = 125 MHz, Vdd = +2.5V
- +4.9 +5.6 No load condition, f = 125 MHz, Vdd = +1.8V
OE Disable Current I_od - - +4.3 mA Vdd = +2.5V to +3.3V, OE = Low, Output in high Z state
- - +4.1 Vdd = +1.8V, OE = Low, Output in high Z state
Standby Current I_std - +2.6 +4.3 μA Vdd = +2.8V to +3.3V, ST = Low, Output is weakly pulled down
- +1.4 +2.5 Vdd = +2.5V, ST = Low, Output is weakly pulled down
- +0.6 +1.3 Vdd = +1.8V, ST = Low, Output is weakly pulled down
Duty Cycle DC 45 - 55 % All Vdds
Output Low Voltage VOL - - Vdd x 0.1 V IOL= +4.0 mA (Vdd = +3.0V or +3.3V)
IOL = +3.0 mA (Vdd = +2.8V or +2.5V)
IOL = +2.0 mA (Vdd = +1.8V)
Output High Voltage VOH Vdd x 0.9 - - V IOH = -4.0 mA (Vdd = +3.0V or +3.3V)
IOH = -3.0 mA (Vdd = +2.8V or +2.5V)
IOH = -2.0 mA (Vdd = +1.8V)
Rise/Fall Time Tr,Tf - 1.0 2.0 ns Vdd = +2.5V, +2.8V, +3.0V or +3.3V, 20% - 80%
- 1.3 2.5 Vdd =+1.8V, 20% - 80%
- 1.0 3.0 Vdd = +2.25V - +3.63V, 20% - 80%
Input Low Voltage VIL - - Vdd x 0.3 V Pin 3, OE or ST
Input High Voltage VIH Vdd × 0.7 - - V Pin 3, OE or ST
Startup Time T_start - - 5.0 ms Measured from the time Vdd reaches its rated minimum value
Enable/Disable Time T_oe - - 130 ns f = 115 MHz. For other frequencies, T_oe = 100 ns + 3 * clock periods
Resume Time T_resume - - 5.0 ms Measured from the time ST pin crosses 50% threshold
RMS Period Jitter T_jitt - 1.9 3.0 ps f = 125 MHz, Vdd = +2.5V, +2.8V, +3.0V or +3.3V
- 1.6 4.0 f = 125 MHz, Vdd = +1.8V
Peak-to-peak Period Jitter T_pk - 12 20 ps f = 125 MHz, Vdd = +2.5V, +2.8V, +3.0V or +3.3V
- 14 30 f = 125 MHz, Vdd = +1.8V
RMS Phase Jitter (random) T_phj - 0.5 0.9 ps Integration bandwidth = 900 kHz to 7.5 MHz
- 1.3 2.0 Integration bandwidth = 12 kHz to 20 MHz
Packing Unit 1000pcs./reel(φ180)or 3000pcs./reel(φ180)

Consult our sales representative for other specifications.

Dimentions, etc. (Click for full size)
