Warning! "Counterfeit" of DAISHINKU Products
We appreciate your continued business and support.
Recently, a increasing number of counterfeit product is appearing that lead to misidentification with our products (especially crystal rezonators, crystal oscillators, and other crystal devices) in Asian market such as China, India. These counterfeit products have been handled by trading companies other than authorized distributors, and Internet trading sites that we are not responsible for.
In the event of an infringement of our intellectual property rights, we will investigate counterfeit products and take resolute measures, including legal measures. In addition, these counterfeit products do not satisfy our quality standards, which would lead to serious defects and malfunctions, you may be involved, but also risk to unintentionally engage in illegal activities. Please pay high attention.
KDS does not warrant and assume liability for any accidents caused by the use of counterfeit products or malfunctions of your equipment used them.
KDS item should be purchased from our sales representative, sales subsidiary, or authorized distributor in order to prevent counterfeit products from being purchased by mistake.
If you have any questions, please contact us.